Timetable released! Our film's theatrical release across Japan cinemas
It feels surreal, to release a film into the cinemas during this time. We've always been dreaming of launching our film into the cinemas with amazing sound and on big silver screen, but have never thought of dealing with the possible closure of the cinemas with one day notice, in the same time, receiving pouring supports from our distributor (Moolin Film) and all the cinemas programming teams. Once we asked them why? Why doing it in this time knowing that you might not break even, they said this might just be the film that people need right now. It moves us when the film critics say so, but even more so when hearing it from the team supporting the vision regardless. Arigato Gozaimasu.
Small Island Big Song Film
JP title: 大海原のソングライン
8/01~9/25 TOKYO 'Image Forum'
8/01~tbc NAGOYA '名演小劇場'
8/22~9/4 YOKOHAMA '横浜 シネマリン'
8/29~9/11 OSAKA '第七藝術劇場'
9/12~9/18 NIIGATA '高田世界館'
9/18-10/8 KYOTO 京都みなみ会館
tbc OKINAWA 桜坂劇場
8/01 ~ 9/30 ONLINE 'Temporary Cinema'
...more to be announced.
On MON' 10 AUG, we will have our second live streaming hosted by renowned Japanese/English broadcaster Peter Barakan to celebrate the film's theatrical release. Two of the feature characters Charles Maimarosia & Alena Murang will join us to perform the soundtrack live and share the stories from the film shoot.
A shout out to the music friends, that I (BaoBao) will be coaching at the Global Music Match project which was initiated by the music expo offices across 13 countries to strengthen networkings between musicians, managers and market places in the times of virtual connection. We're also having some inspiring ZOOM meetings with our partners across the planet and have been enjoying developing ways of adopting to this current global status. We hope to share with you all very soon.
Stay musical and wear mask.
BaoBao & Tim